Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Summing up 2015 ❤️

Hello! This will probably be my last post for the year 2015, the new year is coming soon so I'll be summing up what I did during this one whole year in this post! 

2015 felt like a year full of opportunities for me to grab, I did so many stuff that I never thought I'll be doing. It was nerve-wrecking at first to try out new stuff, attending events and joining competition but luckily the fear didn't stop me from participating in any of that and I learnt so much from all that. 

New stuff that I tried: 

CNOS4 - Cineleisure Online Sensation which ended up with my own player up there. 

Photography shoots: after finally saying yes to all the photography shoots. I realized that it can be so much fun and I absolutely enjoy doing all that. 

2015 is also another year which I travelled by myself without the guidance of parent or family to Australia (Sdyney) & Phuket (Thailad) along with my boyfriend! 

I have to save up my own money for airplane tickets and accommodation and even do my own planning, it was insanely fun to travel with your partner! It can be such a hilarious trip. 

It also marked another year of my blogging journey since I started blogging in 2013, it's like 2 years already! This 2 years of blogging is an absolutely amazing journey with all of you. ❤️

I also joined my first beauty peagent during 2015, I was unbelievably nervous and scare before joining this and I'm grateful for all the people that gave me encouragement throughout the whole thing. I met some amazing people over there. 

I also made some new friends during 2015 which make it an amazing year. During this year, I also realized who's real and who's fake. Cutting off unnecessary people out from my life and moving on to the new year with a smile. 

That's all for summing up 2015 ❤️ lets start a brand new year together! Let's go 2016. 

Thank you for reading (: hope you guys had an amazing year too. 

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Christmas Celebration ❤️

Planned our last minute X'mas celebration on the 24th December and decided to call this restaurant (Hyde & Co.) 5 minutes before the restaurant closes to make booking for our CandleLight dinner on the 25th December. Phew, luckily managed to secure a seat for two on the Christmas Day! If not we'd be eating air. 

Our Christmas dinner was a 3 course set, we choose the Turkey & Beef one and it's so good. For starter: Pumpkin soup, not really a big fan of pumpkin soup but it turned out just fine - Main Course: Turkey & Beef - Dessert - we had the brownie and ice cream. 

The meal was lovely and I absolutely adore the food there ❤️ in total it costs about $88. We spent the rest of our day doing museum hopping, we went to the National Gallery Of Singapore. The whole place was so grand and stunning. 

It's really nice to take a break from doing the usual stuff like movies, high tea and shopping and take some time off to do museum visit. It made me felt like a tourist in the country I lived in, super refreshing ❤️

Overall, it's a wondeful X'Mas spent. Here's to another year of wonderful Christmas with you despite having tough days together figuring out what we both want in this relationship. 

Thank you for reading(: How'd you spent your Christmas ? 

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to you guys! ❤️ this is a special wonderful day to give thanks to people by giving gifts and Christmas cards, so I want to take this chance to give thanks to all the readers of my blog. Thank you for always reading, commenting and being a part of my blog! You guys are the reason why I still keep blogging~ super grateful. 

Went to another photoshoot yesterday on Christmas Eve, it was quite tiring because I slept so little recently. The weather was quite humid after rain so my hair curl become so straight due to the humid weather. So this is kind of like my first photos with straight hair (super rare to find) 

This whole month of December got me thinking about so many stuff, the goods and the bad. It's kind of like the worst month for me though it's supposed to be good, it seems to be like a roller coaster. The goods are super good and the bad times are the worst. 

What I want for this Christmas and the upcoming new year is just some happiness, fun and peace. Sincerely hope that 2016 can be a better one~ ❤️thank you for reading. Hope you guys have a wonderful merry Merry Christmas! Love ya! 

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Love myself

There's a saying " learn to love yourself before you love others" I guess I need to take this time off, to learn to love myself. It'll be hard to grow accustomed to the changes but I'll start small and be my stronger self. 

Life is just an unpredictable roller coaster, even though I have been through this before but it still feel bad everytime it happened. 

Went to do some photoshoot recently for events, the photos turn out so well and definetly look so different from the photos I took with my iPhone even though iPhone quality for photos is already so darn good. I'm so impressed, now I'm contemplating whether to use iPhone or just get some nice fancy camera to shots photos instead. 

Photoshooting can be quite tiring since there's a need to change location, the weather can be so unpredictable. The photoshoot starts at about 3pm, it was blazing hot for quite awhile so I'm madly sweating and it was quite hard to open my eyes and stuff. 

Luckily during 4-5pm the weather finally tone down a little and we had some shoots in the indoor area so it feel so much better but I felt so dehydrated after the whole photoshoot so the first thing I did was to grab some nice water and chill at a café. 

Thank you for reading, have you guys done any photoshoot for shops, boutiques or any modeling agency before ? How was the experience. 

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

The start of love, fun and enjoyment.

There seems to be endless amount of decoration around town, since the holiday just started I don't really have much festive season photos yet! So this is like my first few collection of photos with this bling bling Christmas design, reindeer is so cute. There's only one thing killing this festive season mood, the rainy weather < it literally rain up to 2 times everyday which make the day gloomy> 

Super happy that my outfit <Blue & White> actually matches so well with the background ❤️my love for baby blue color just keep growing. 

Foods to celebrate the end of examination! ❤️❤️❤️ here's to the start of the holiday. 

That's all for this update, hope you guys are having fun during this wonderful time too! 

Monday, December 14, 2015

Is blog content important ?

This is probably one of the rarest blogpost you can find which I mention about serious topic. So recently , I have been wondering about whether blog readers actually do read the blog content in the blog or do people actually just browse through photos and briefly read the blogpost picking up the main points ? 

Personally, I love to read others blog content because I find it intriguing since everyone lifestyle is so very different. But not everyone have enough time to read everyone's blog. 

So sometimes I also fall into routine of browsing blogpost, gazing past all the photos in the post since I love to look at beautiful photos (especially those pale, clean and white background type) but this doesn't mean that I don't read the content, it just meant that I choose to look at the photo and look at important contents. 

I guess it's just a matter of perspective, I know some people get annoy or angry when they felt like readers don't read their content but just browse through photos. But I also know some that doesn't really mind since photos itself is considered as part of a content too. 

Overall, I'm just glad that my readers bother to read up my tiny little space where I share about my lifestyle, fashion and related stuff. Grateful & thankful for each and everyone of you. ❤️

See you guys next time, will be blogging about this amazing burger that I had the other day in my next blogpost. 

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Instagram Sunday

Hello, decided to do an Instagram Sunday since I never share about my Instagram on this space before. Instagram is the platform I upload my daily outfits , selfie and anything I find interesting and nice. ❤️ 

Follow me on Instagram: http://instagram.com/birdieliau 

Anyway, here's another weekly outfit (Casual) for you guys, do check it out. x 

Hope you guys have a perfect week ahead of you. Will blog about my outfits soon.