Thursday, February 4, 2016

Things that girls hate to hear

Been thinking about some stuff lately so I decided to blog about list of things girls hate to hear, well the first one of my list :

#1 You Put On Too Much Make Up ?

Literally! I am sure girls that do make-up can relate with me on that, when someone make a remark saying " you put on too much make-up" or " your make up is too thick" it literally just wanna make me go like " seriously ? what did you just say" . Like excuse me, make up is being apply on my face for a reason to make me look presentable and who are you to tell me how much is enough?
I didn't know that there's actually a scale to measure how much make-up is being put on. 

#2 Why are you xxx wanna-be? 

There's always that one person that you knew before or you have someone around you like that saying stuff that assume that you are trying to be like a style or something like that ? " Why are you so Kylie wanna-be" or " Why are you so korean-wanna be" . There's a distinct difference between wanna be someone and just liking and looking up towards a certain style, it annoys me to the maximum when someone cannot differentiate that.
Wanna-be is literally when you do plastic surgery to look exactly like the person or worst case scenario talking and acting exactly like the person. So let's say we both have the same top ? (does that mean you wanna be me ? )

Ugh ugh no way. 

#3 OMG You Look Fatter Than The Last Time I Saw You! 

I have yet to meet people like that in life but gosh if you don't remember what I wore the last time we meet , you better not comment about my weight. Like seriously, what if people gain weight? As long as they are happy it's fine and don't you think the person actually do realize it and totally don't need you to point that out!
This bring me to my next point: 

#4 WHY Are You So Thin? You Need To Eat More! 

I totally get it that some people are concern about maybe my weight and probably I look too thin? That's fine but it's not fine when people assume I do not eat any food at all because well I do, I eat and I eat a lot (more than you can imagine actually) . I don't hate that people ask or stuff but well guys let's just eat and not get concern about others weight (life is easier that way) 

Well, that's all I can think about for stuff that girls hate to hear! Hope you guys enjoy my tiny little rants about life, till next time. x 


  1. I've heard plenty times the "why are you so thin"! So annoying!
    Stella from a Looks & Travels

  2. That "You wanna rephrase that meme" literally had me laughing out loud! I hate comments on weight too. Since 2011 I've lost 100lbs. My success was purely from a lifestyle diet change and hula hoop dancing. My family would make rude remarks like "Where'd Micaela go?" or "Go eat another plate, I made the cheese potatoes they're good SO IS THE HAM AND DEVIL EGGS AND EAAAAAT". I don't mind it as much as when I gain weight.
    Wanna-be is different than inspiration. You're completely right on that. If you reform your look and character, you're trying to be a second rate version of somebody. Inspiration could come from admiring another's style, and getting similar attire or hair. Being an inspiration to ones appearance should be looked at as a huge compliment. For example, a girl I used to teach hooping tricks uploads her latest videos. Her videos are her attempting my tricks from a video I've posted recently beforehand. We're not on good terms anymore but I still honor her progress and inspiration in my dancing.

    "Be a first-rate version of yourself. Not a second-rate version of somebody else".
    - Judy Garland

    I dig your writing style! Glad you ran into my blog!

    - Harlynn

    1. Yeah aww thank you for giving me your insight about this subject too! x it's really helpful for me to hear what other people think about this!

  3. Haha this was hilarious but soo true! I absolutely hate being told I've put on too much makeup. All I can think is 'It's my face, duh'

    Wildfire Charm

  4. Yesssss! Hugs, Kait

  5. This is too funny! I can't believe someone would say #3. That is just awful! I love this post!

  6. I get the "you need to eat more" comment a lot. It is pretty annoying.

    Connie | Sponsored by Coffee | Etsy

  7. Oh my goodness these are just what I needed haha! Love them <3

    Good karma,
    Tatum || AbstractAphrodite

  8. These are all so true

  9. These are sooooo true! There's also something where they say "what the hell are you wearing?" ugh I can't handle it.

    Joyce // Joycentricity

  10. Some people can say the most unbelievable things... -Maireem

    My Fair Autumn | Instagram

  11. Grrrr! It makes me so made that people say these things! I got the 'makeup' one the other day, but in a nice way- they were like 'your my favorite Barbie' haha!

    Rachel xx

  12. Oh all of these things are so unnecessary! No one should ever be that rude and say that.


  13. This post is hilarious! I get the "why are you so thin?? Eat more" one the most from my Taiwan relatives! The thing is, if I do eat more then I wouldn't be skinny now would I? ;D

    xo, Alice || a l i c e / T Y P E N U

  14. Never listen to people. listen to yourself
    people will always find something to say, so just be you and make them shut (;

    really love your blog♥

  15. I'm always hearing the "you are to thin"!

  16. I hate to hear "are you going to go out with this outfit?" my bf says it way too many times :X

    TheWhitePrint Blog
    CGrabowska's Instagram

    1. Haha! guys and their mindset about our outfits ><

  17. These are so true and valid, such annoying things that no-one should be asked or judged on x

    Beauty with charm

  18. haha! Very true... totally hate #3!

    Jennifer Ashley

  19. Oh yes, there's a lot of things us girls hate to hear! I occasionally get comments on my weight too and it can get pretty boring explaining that it's just because I workout a lot. Love the Spongebob Squarepants gif by the way haha :)

    Gabrielle | A Glass Of Ice

    1. Aww yeah, same I just workout a lot to keep my figure too. x

  20. Ahahaha this is pretty true.
    I hate people asking me if i gained weight or if im eating anything.

    The Bandwagon Chic | Instagram | Bloglovin | Snapchat: bandwagonchic

  21. awesome post! ahahah totally agree with all of these!


  22. #4, I hear that a lot ... so annoying because I do eat enough ^^
    Nati xx

  23. omg I can relate to everything in this post. I laughed at every item because its so true. lol.


  24. Hahah #3's gif is THE best

    xoxo, ♥

  25. Definitely agree with you, some people are just insolent in expressing their opinions about someone's make-up or silhouette.

