Sunday, July 17, 2016

A Perfect Date

Hello! After starting out my YouTube channel, I have been spending less time on my blog so I'm back with another post and start dedicating my time to blogging. Both of us finally went out on a date after the busy school term ends and before starting my preparation for the upcoming exam. 

Saw this graffiti wall and I just got to snap a photo with it, it's the famous ninja turtle! We actually went to the town area just to get a lemon blue soda in a light-bulb from a Korea food stand. 

Ain't this the most adorable and pretty thing ever ? I'm so loving it. It taste wonderful too with a hint of mint inside. 

On the same day we went to watch "Tarzan" ! I were super excited to watch the movie because of the Actor, the sexy guy that starred in True Blood as Eric. And the movie was perfect as well, it's such a sweet movie and I just wish he would have acted in more movie so I can see more of him on screen! 

After the movie! We went to the food market again to get some interesting Japanese food, this is the Omu-Squid. The squid taste super delicious but the food is a bit over pricey, $15.90 for just a small piece of food but it's yummy so I just can't quite decide whether it's worth the price. 

We also went to a bubble tea store to get some drinks! He choose some winter melon lemon and it tasted so funny. Before we leave the place, we left a heart shape notes in the store with our little message on it. 

" I ❤️ You , my only 오빠 in my life. " 
" I love you too 버디 "

With some cute hamsters and puppy drawing.

And that's all for our lovely date! 💕 it's always fun to head out once in awhile to have fun and let loose before preparation for something big. 

Thank you for reading. (: have a lovely day ahead of you. 


  1. Hello :)
    I love your black dress !
    See you soon, elodie (eloonly)

  2. Lovely! That drink is so cool!

  3. You look so so pretty babe! Lovely pictures! <3

  4. I love the places you went to and that light bulb drink is so cool!!

    Pop over to my blog!


  5. That lemon blue soda looks so good plus it's so unique that it is in a light-bulb shaped bottle. You guys are so sweet. :)

