Saturday, September 5, 2015

The last day in Phuket

The 4 days 3 nights trip ended so quickly, everything just happened so fast. We woke up early today and asked for the check out time which was 12pm, so we packed everything and checked out then we roam around Patong Beach ❤️ I did some shopping on the last day bought: contact lens, a pair of sandals, facial masks, sunscreen and hair conditioner oil. 

Goodbye room 💔 

This facial mask actually costs 99 baht per piece, there's a promotion that say " buy 5 facial mask free 5" but we decided to just buy 2 and after the salesgirl know that my boyfriend is Korean she give us 2 free which is so funny. So we buy 2 get 2 free - 198 baht for 4 masks ? Absolutely a good deal. 

We bought couple bracelet along the way too, it's 200 baht for this 2 bracelet that looks so cute but it's just a little too big for me! 

Took this photo in the Starbucks, the Starbucks staff were so freely and give us welcome free drinks and cake which is so adorable and we are the only couple there that get the special treatment ❤️❤️❤️ 

The sunscreen and hair conditioner oil, I switch the conditioner oil cause the original bottle was more than 100ml so I can't bring it on the hand carriage luggage. 

The sunscreen was a buy 1 free 1 deal that cost 150 baht if I remember correctly ❤️ this is ultra cheap and I should have buy more. 

Then the conditioner for hair was also a buy 1 free 1 deal that costs 200 baht, I wanted to try out those oil to try to pamper my hair and make it smoother. 

Baby buy me this shoes while we are shopping ❤️❤️❤️ since my shoes was spoilt earlier on then I saw a shoes store and decided to buy the shoes but he helped me to get this in the end. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 고미워용  
I also bought this crotchet bikini. Didn't have the chance to wear it yet so I gotten a photo of the item off the internet, it's very pretty and so unique. It's about $10 (250baht) , definitely the best steal. 

The contact lens! Grey color ❤️ it's like I don't actually buy contact lens in Thailand, this is my first time and it occurred as my original contact lens which I buy from Singapore actually get tore and make it unbearable to wear. So I buy this pair at 200 baht , ultra deal and once again I should have buy more. 

Our dinner before heading off to the airport! 895 baht ❤️ we ordered a Tom yum seafood soup to go along with this. Just can't get enough of the seafood in Thailand ❤️❤️❤️ 

Hehehe arrived at the airport 4 hours earlier since we messed up the timing so we waited for quite awhile there, nevertheless I am glad to be back in Singapore. Now I am ready to start school with the new term ahead of us ❤️ 

Thank you for reading. 


  1. The place looks amazing.
    And you look so cute too with that mask

    The Bandwagon Chic | Instagram | Bloglovin | Snapchat: bandwagonchic

  2. Lovely photos

  3. It looks like you both had a wonderful time; I love the last pic, so cute! I hope you're having an awesome week so far :)



  4. What an amazing adventure!

  5. This looks like a wonderful trip!

    xoxo, ♥

  6. I always hate my last day in a city but it looks like you made the most of the day!

    Chelsea | Ginger Side of Life

  7. I like all these photos very much. I especially like the last one. So cute!
