Monday, July 7, 2014

Splurge VS Save

Hey! Today I am going to talk about an interesting topic known as " Splurge VS Save" . I was approached by credit card insider to talk about the Splurge VS Save Campaign. 

There are just so many different clothing, accessories and bags that I want all the time and I can't possibly get everything I want as I'm still a teens and I'm limited by my allowance. 

So it's important for me to figure out whether to splurge or save money when I'm getting something. I usually splurge a lot on clothings and shoes cause it's totally my essential.

So I actually have been looking around for a perfect pair of creeper for my outfit, it's usually price around SGD 39.90 for one! But I have decided to go with SAVE this time instead of SPLURGE and go for a cheaper pair of creeper for only SGD 10 cause it's during GSS season now and everything is mostly on sales and I came across this pair of lovely floral creeper! 

So it's absolutely awesome to get something similar at a lower price and save the extra money for other clothing item (: . 

So would you actually Splurge VS Save? (: 


  1. Good post. I like it.
    Thanks for your answer on my blog about following each other. I'm follow you now on Google +
    And on instagram. Follow me back: julia_kinder1
    Have a nice day
    Julia x

  2. I'd always like to splurge though :)

    xoxo, ♥
