Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Orchid Garden

The new Instagram update is amazing ❤️ I took quite awhile to get used to it and if you're my friends you'll even hear me complaining about how Instagram looks funny now since everyone can have different sizes photos but now I am absolutely loving it. Went to the botanic garden on the public holiday to see the flowers and take some photos despite the heavy haze. 

It's a bit hot but we managed to explore every inch of this orchids garden before heading off for movie. The orchids garden is free of charge for students ❤️ , there are 9 sections in the garden and the place even have a coolhouse which is similar to the garden by the bay flower dome but way smaller. 

Had so much fun taking couple photos together and play around with the self timer on my phone! Need a tripod to make my camera stand so that we can take better photos~ 

Then we went over to the Great World City, to watch the scorch trails (maze runner) but the timing was a bit off so we took cab to The Cathay to watch movie there! The movie is so good since my favorite actor & actress is inside ❤️ 

Overall, it was a well spent Friday ❤️ tend to take the the precious time of Friday , Saturday and Sunday for granted but now with school around this 3 days will be my most important rest days. 


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