Saturday, November 22, 2014

Little Floral Fun

Decided to post an #ootd post since it has been awhile! Sorry about the lack of outfit fashion post cause exam is coming and all, hard to get time out for outfit photos! Anyway, the weather is getting pretty cold recently due to rain and stuff so I wore my red beanie that's long forgotten! I remember getting it at Cotton On during last year Christmas festival to try to complete the elf Christmas look! 

It's been put into good use now to finish this cozy look, white long sleeve top and a daisy skirt! Absolutely got the hype for long sleeve recently due to the weather, need to buy more long sleeve shirt! Since top will never be enough~ 

Long sleeve shirt will be the best for all season since it comes in different material so sometimes it can be wore during summer, sometimes during colder season! Furthermore, it comes in so many different designs: plain, cartoon, prints, checkered, stripes! Just want them all~~~~ 

Thank you for reading, hope you'll like it! 
